Sunday 31 March 2013

Marianne Semifreddo

Semifreddo with mint flavoured Marianne chocolate is one of our Mum's specialities.
She has made it for 20 years, usually for Christmas but as I wasn't here with them the last time,
we made it now.

The recipe is super easy if you find the ready crushed Marianne, otherwise you can crush whole candies with a machine. Obviously you can also replace the product with another mint flavoured chocolate,
I believe the original is sold just in Scandinavia :)


150 g Marianne crush
2 eggs
35 g sugar
300 ml cream

Prepare a cake tin covering it with a plastic wrap.
In a one bowl whisk using an electronic mixer eggs and sugar together. In another bowl whisk cream and add it in the first mix with crushed Marianne.
Pour the mixture in the covered cake tin and place in the freezer for at least for 4 hours.

Remove from the freezer just before serving, overturn the cake tin on a serving plate and decorate if you wish. Serve immediately and enjoy :)

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