Monday 25 March 2013

Bun Wreath with Vanilla

The smell of home-made bun is one of the best smells in the world. 
To celebrate the coming Easter week, I decided to make a bun wreath with vanilla-quark filling.

BUN WREATH WITH VANILLA (2 medium wreaths)

250 ml milk
30 g fresh yeast or 1,5 bag of rapid rise dry yeast
150 g sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon cardemum
300 g white flour
100 g half melted butter

100 g butter (room temperature)
100 g quark or cream cheese
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
200 g powdered sugar

+ egg for spreading & crystal sugar on top

Combine warmed milk (37 C) with fresh yeast and sugar. Add flour mixing well together with salt and cardemum. If you are using dry yeast, warm milk by itself (42 C), add sugar and then dry yeast together with flour. Add butter and beat until the flour is absorbed and the dough is a bit sticky (but not too much, otherwise add some flour). Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and let the dough rise in warm draft-free place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour.

For the filling mix the butter, quark / cream cheese, vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Place the dough onto lightly floured work surface. Roll it out to 20x60 cm rectagle. Spread the filling over dough, leaving just 1 cm border on one long side. Roll the dough into log leaving last the side without the topping on the border. 

Continue working on an oven pan covered with baking paper. Place the seam side down and make a circle closing the heads together. Start cutting halfway the wreath with a thin sharp scissors every 1 cm. Then strech every other halfslice inside, one straight and one outside. Cover with a kitchen towel and let it rise while heating the oven up to 200 C. Before placing in the oven, spread some mixed egg all over the wreath and add crystal sugar.
Bake in the center of the oven for 15-20 minutes until the color turns golden. 

Let cool for 5 minutes, cut into slices and serve with cold milk or berry juice :)

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