Wednesday 23 October 2013

Red Currants with Yoghurt

Just to start the day with a healthy breakfast :) 
I love red currants, when I have a chance at home I go to pick them in the garden of my Mom's aunt.
This time they were picked up for me in advance and I brought several containers of them to Italy because they don't taste the same here :)


200 g red currant berries
300 ml vanilla yoghurt (I used soya)
2 teaspoons honey
3 tablespoons fine crushed almonds

Simply put all the ingredients in a container and use an electronic mixer until the texture is smooth. If you want a thicker consistence you can freeze the berries before (or maybe they were in the freezer in the first place if the season is off already).
Pour the mix in a nice serving bowl and decorate with some berries and crushed almonds.

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